
  • To carry out teaching and research on subjects listed above by addressing the key challenges of sustainable habitat, environment and ecology.
  • To understand the nature and magnitude of environmental deterioration for its possible impacts on built habitat, public health, biodiversity and socio-economic profile of the stakeholders.
  • To establish and validate the relationships between various dimensions of sustainability and environmental concerns in the context of built and natural habitat across different geographical areas of multiple scales.
  • To understand and enlist the potential threats to the ecological resources and to recommend suitable conservation measures and formulate workable, achievable and rational planning and management strategies in this direction.
  • To set up a state-of-art testing laboratory to suit the requirements of a subject, as listed above, to provide analytical services that are flexible, responsive, and customized for clients‟ needs.
  • To provide scientific, technological support or consultancy services to government and multi-lateral agencies to implement eco- developmental projects and support on policy formulation and eco- practices.
  • To organize interactive seminars, conferences, symposiums, colloquiums, workshops, training programmes, winter/summer school, guest lectures for interaction and exchange of information to introspect and retrospect the research findings in different areas of sustainability and environment.
  • To train the trainers in different fields of sustainability and green environment at local, regional, state and central levels.